100th Anniversary of the Legion of Mary
At Notre Dame Cathedral, Ottawa
September 11, 2021
The Regia of Ottawa celebrated the 100th Anniversary of the Legion of Mary with a mass and
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Tuesday, September 7th, 2021 (the date of the first meeting in
1921 in Ireland) at Notre Dame Cathedral in Ottawa. The French mass was concelebrated by Father
David Bergeron, Rector of the Cathedral and Father Jonathan Kelly, Spiritual Director of Mother of Our
Redeemer Praesidium.
The 2nd celebration was done on Saturday, September 11, 2021. Brother Julian Mack led the Rosary. The Mass of
Thanksgiving was celebrated by Archbishop Marcel Damphousse, concelebrated with the Legion of
Mary Regia Spiritual Director, Father Hezuk Shroff and Father David Bergeron. After mass, there was
a procession of Our Lady of Fatima statue from the Cathedral to St. Anne’s Church at St. Clement’s Parish.
An outdoor reception was held to celebrate this happy occasion and attended by about 135 members.
Our thanks go to Jacinta Cillis-Asquith for lending us the Statue of our Lady of Fatima and to Paul
Lauzon for the beautiful photos.
100th Anniversary of the Legion of Mary Masses
Ottawa: Notre Dame Cathedral, Ottawa100th Anniversary of the Legion of Mary Mass (OTTAWA) www.youtube.com
Toronto: St. Michael’s Cathedral, Toronto
100th Anniversary of the Legion of Mary Mass (TORONTO) www.youtube.com
Ireland: Church of St. Nicholas of Myra, Francis Street Parish, Dublin, Ireland
100th Anniversary of the Legion of Mary Mass (IRELAND) www.youtube.com