1000th Legion of Mary Meeting
St. Clement at St. Anne's Church, Ottawa
Our Lady, Seat of Wisdom Praesidium
July 5, 2023
This event was celebrated for the 1000th meeting of Our Lady, Seat of Wisdom Praesidium. It was also an
opportunity to promote the Legion of Mary within the parish with the aim of attracting new active and auxiliary
members. Our Spiritual Director, Fr. Debow, gave an excellent sermon during the High Mass preceding the reception, about the merits and fruits of the Legion of Mary. All auxiliaries were invited as well as all parishioners. We are very happy to report that we have three new prospective active members and twelve new auxiliaries.
(The first photo shows the current president, Guy Bélanger with past president Danny Joseph Beauchamp.
The 2nd photo shows the current praesidium: (from L): Sr. Séraphine, Sr. Anita (secretary), Sr. Justyna, Br. Dylan (treasurer), Br. Maximilien (VP), Br. Guy (president), Sr. Jocelyn, Br. Tochi. (missing -- Br. Paul, Br. Alain, Br. Phillip.)
The 3rd photo, from left to right: Br. Dylan Goyette (Treasurer); Sr. Anita Bélanger (Secretary); Br. Guy Bélanger (President); Br. Maximilien Vachon (Vice-President).